
6 Things You’d Never Guess About Email Marketing

Joann & Kyle, here!

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Before you keep scrolling, I promise you this one is worth a read. When we started consistently using email marketing it was like discovering the secret sauce on our favorite burger, it was a game changer! Think about it for a second, with email marketing, you can reach your customers in the comfort of their own inbox, without even having to leave your storefront. And let’s be real, it’s kind of exciting opening your inbox to find a sale at one of your favorite stores or tips and tricks on one of your top interests. Email marketing is cost-effective, targeted, measurable, and personable. It’s the ultimate tool to increase brand awareness, build customer relationships, and drive sales. Convinced yet? Don’t worry, you know I’m an open book, so I’m sharing a fresh perspective with you on my favorite things about email marketing for brick-and-mortar businesses.

Cheap as chips: Email marketing is like the dollar menu at your favorite fast food joint. It’s cheap, delicious (okay, maybe not delicious, but still effective), and won’t break the bank. The only cost to email marketing is your email service provider. Our favorite email service provider for brick-and-mortar businesses is Flodesk. Flodesk allows you to create flawless emails that match your brand with their wide variety of templates. And guess what? You can get 50% off your first year with this link here. You’re welcome, friend!

Targeted like a sniper: With email marketing, you can aim for specific groups of customers like a sharpshooter at a shooting range. You can target them based on their demographics, past purchasing behavior, or other characteristics. You can tailor your content and promotions so that it’s actually relevant to the email recipient. This is HUGE for upselling and cross-selling products and services.

Measured like a scientist: Email marketing campaigns can be tracked and measured like a scientist in a lab. You can track open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. This allows you to see if your campaign is working like a charm or if it’s time to make some adjustments (like adding more emojis or memes). You will also gain insights on topics and products that are of most interest to your customers which can help with major business decisions such as what new products to invest in.

Personalized like a love letter: Email marketing allows you to personalize your messaging and promotions like a love letter written just for one special person. It makes your customers feel special and appreciated. It also allows you to show your brands personality which will enable you to create raving fans of your business.

Increased brand awareness: Consistent email marketing can help to increase brand awareness and loyalty among customers. The more frequently your customers and potential customers see your brand name pop up in their inbox, the more likely they are to make a purchase in the future. It doesn’t matter how often you email your customers, just that you are consistent. If you set out to email once a week, stick to emailing once a week.

Build customer relationships like a reality show: Email marketing allows businesses to build and maintain relationships with customers through regular communication and personalized offers. It’s like watching a reality show. It’s entertaining and you get to know the characters better over time. It WILL lead to increased customer retention and repeat business. So, just because you don’t see a rush through your doors the first email you send, don’t give up on it. Email marketing is all about showing up consistently over time.

As you can see, email marketing is a valuable tool for brick-and-mortar businesses to reach and connect with their customers. It is cost-effective, targeted, measurable, and personable, which makes it a great way to increase brand awareness, build customer relationships, and drive sales. With the ability to automate campaigns, cross-sell and upsell products and services, and drive website traffic, email marketing is a powerful marketing strategy that can help brick-and-mortar businesses to grow and thrive in today’s digital age. So, don’t be afraid to give it a try. It’s like trying a new dish at a restaurant, you never know, it might just become your new favorite.

Need an email service provider? Check out our favorite here!

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