Receipt Paper

#56: Our Best Advice for Your Brick-and-Mortar Business Journey

Joann & Kyle, here!

We teach entrepreneurs the action steps to start, build, and open a profitable, sustainable product or service based brick and mortar business.

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It’s with a mix of emotions that I share some important news today. After much reflection and many memorable episodes, we’ve decided to close the chapter on the Receipt Paper Podcast. This decision wasn’t easy, but it’s a step towards new beginnings and exciting ventures.

Firstly, we want to express our deepest gratitude. Whether you’ve been with us from the start or joined along the way, your support has been the heartbeat of this podcast. We’ve cherished every moment of connection, every story shared, and every lesson learned together.

As we wrap up this final episode, we’re not just saying goodbye; we’re also passing on a torch of sorts. To all the aspiring and current brick-and-mortar business owners, here’s our best piece of advice: Stay true to your vision but flexible in your approach. The world of physical retail is ever-evolving, and your ability to adapt without losing sight of your core values is crucial.

Though our podcast journey is ending, our commitment to supporting budding entrepreneurs continues. We’re thrilled to invite you to join the Brick N’ Mortar Academy. This online program is our comprehensive guide on opening and running a successful brick-and-mortar business. It’s a culmination of all the insights and strategies we’ve discussed over the years, refined into a step-by-step path you can follow.

Looking ahead, our focus shifts to an exciting new chapter with Altered States Wellness. We are diving deep into franchising and expanding our wellness studio to bring transformative experiences to more communities. This focus aligns with our passion for wellness and our mission to impact lives positively. If you have an interest in wellness, we invite you to explore opening your very own Altered States Wellness studio here.

So, while the Receipt Paper Podcast may be signing off, our journey with you continues in new and impactful ways. Thank you for every download, every share, and every moment spent with us. We look forward to growing together and seeing where these new paths lead us.

With gratitude and excitement for the future,

JoJo & Kyle

Links Mentioned in this Episode:

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Now if you’re feeling extra nice today, we would be really grateful if you left us a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find our podcast and they’re also fun for us to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews

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