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#28: The Power of Automation: A Blueprint for Business Efficiency

Joann & Kyle, here!

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Some days in the world of brick-and-mortar business feel like a whirlwind, constantly bustling from one task to another – whether it’s managing my store, collaborating with my team, or handling various operational duties. The pace can be relentless, leaving little room for self-care and reflection. Can you relate to this hectic rhythm?

To be candid, I used to thrive on this non-stop pace. I relished the thrill of accomplishing a multitude of tasks in a single day. But now, well, let’s just say I strongly dislike the overwhelming, almost suffocating feeling of being overly busy. I no longer wish to be rushed or pulled in a hundred different directions. I value being fully present in my roles and responsibilities, as well as cherishing offline moments, resting, and spending quality time with my family, rather than constantly striving for more productivity.

However, like many of you, I still find myself balancing a substantial workload between my business and personal life. There always seems to be an endless list of tasks to tackle, and not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything. If we’re not careful, this constant busyness can lead to stress, overwhelm, and even burnout. So, what’s the solution for a brick-and-mortar business owner like you and me? Well thats exactly what I’m diving into in this episode today.

Here are the highlights of how to streamline your brick-and-mortar business and regain control of your time:

Find Your Integrator

As a visionary, it’s crucial to recognize that you can’t do everything. You need someone who can integrate and execute your vision. This might involve hiring a capable employee to manage day-to-day operations while you concentrate on growth strategies. Embrace the idea that you don’t have to be the jack-of-all-trades; you can delegate tasks and responsibilities.

Invest in a Project Management Tool

One of the keys to keeping your business on track is adopting a project management tool. Options like Asana, Monday, Trello, or Notion can help you organize your projects, assign tasks, set due dates, and facilitate communication. Personally, I use to manage my daily tasks effectively. The key to success here is consistency – make it a habit to log in daily, morning and evening, and encourage your team to use the tool as well.

Harness the Power of Your Calendar

Your calendar is your ally in managing your time and tasks. Consider using tools like the Full Focus Planner by Michael Hyatt to prioritize your daily tasks. Select your top three priorities for the day and outline your tasks. Combining your project management tool with your calendar helps you ensure that essential tasks get the attention they deserve.

Embrace Task Batching

Task batching is a game-changer when it comes to productivity. Dedicate specific blocks of time to focus on similar tasks. For instance, you can set aside a few hours each month to create and schedule ALL social media content for the entire month. This ensures it gets done and takes it off your day-to-day plate. You can apply this strategy to various tasks, from writing email content to blog posts to social content. Remember to schedule these batching sessions in your calendar to maintain consistency.

Leverage Crew App and Team Meetings

For smaller teams, the Crew App is a fantastic tool for scheduling and communication. It keeps everyone on the same page and simplifies coordination. Additionally, regular team meetings are essential for alignment. Keep these meetings concise but informative – discuss monthly goals, upcoming sales or promotions, housekeeping matters, and recognize top performers. Whether you hold them monthly or quarterly, team meetings can help foster a collaborative and informed environment.

Monthly Reporting: Evaluate and Pivot

At the end of each month, dedicate time to review and reflect on your business’s performance. Create an Excel spreadsheet to track various metrics beyond financials, such as email subscribers, customer transactions, average sale, and social media followers. Identify areas of growth and stagnation and use this data to inform your strategic decisions. Regular reporting ensures you stay on top of your goals and continuously refine your approach.

The journey of streamlining your brick-and-mortar business involves recognizing your strengths and limitations, adopting effective tools and processes, and embracing a mindset of continuous improvement. By finding your integrator, utilizing project management tools, optimizing your calendar, embracing task batching, leveraging communication tools, and conducting regular evaluations, you can create a more organized, efficient, and successful brick-and-mortar business. I believe in you, my friend. We are in it together!

Links Mentioned in this Episode:

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